Small Groups or TLC’s

God never intended for us to live the Christian life alone. How can we apply these “one another” references unless we are in intentional, close relationships with each other? God calls us to love, not abstractly or superficially, but in a deep, face-to-face, life-on-life, transformative way – which is difficult and inevitably messy.

If you want to grow in your relationship with Jesus, you need to have intentional relationships with people who have the same goal – and a small group is the ideal place for that.

In a small group, people meet regularly for 8-9 week sessions, to pursue spiritual growth and healthy relationships. You’ll be encouraged to live out the truths you discover in the Bible, as you encourage others to do the same.

Following is a list of small groups you can visit, join, and engage with during our fall, winter or spring quarters. Please pray about joining a small group that fits you. 

To get more information or sign up for a group, contact Pastor Jackie White at or text (425) 891-0320


Sunday Groups

Potluck at Pastor Mark and Anne’s House

Bring yourself or your family over to the Nsimbi home every 3rd Sunday of the month after church for a time of fun, food and hanging out together! Contact Mark for more info:

Monday Groups

Washington Cathedral Book Club

Join us for a lively discussion and interesting books! First Monday of each month via Zoom at 7 PM. Facilitator: Marcia Hogan. Contact

Monday Prayer Group

We’ll pray for our community together and ask God to move in our midst. Meets via Zoom, 11am to 12pm. Facilitator: Toni Othino

Tuesday Groups

Loving God's Word

This group strives to go deeper in their walk with Jesus and desire to grow as disciples. 7:30PM IN PERSON Facilitator: Cheryl Wolf

Balance TLC

A lively discussion for ladies of all ages with an emphasis on prayer and growing deeper in our faith. We meet every other Tuesday at 6PM in person, starting with a meal and ending at 8PM. Facilitator: Pastor Jackie White

Wednesday Groups

Women of the Word (Wow)

An informal time for women to gather to study God's Word. Meeting via Zoom at 10:45AM with break-out groups for discussion and community. Facilitators: Diana Smith and Pastor Linda

Thursday Groups

Come As You Are

A caring group of friends to laugh with, support one another, and grow as Christians. Meets via Zoom, 7PM Facilitator: Duff Simpson

TAGG: Thoughts and Actions Glorifying God

Focusing on prayer, Bible study, and fellowship. Everyone Welcome! First and Third Thursdays @7PM via Zoom Facilitators: Craig and Reava Davis -

Possibility Thinkers

Mature adults who pursue Jesus through community and Bible study and breakfast! on Sundays! 7PM Zoom

Moms of Teens and Young Adults

A group of moms who encourage each other in the adventure of parenting - seeking guidance from scripture,..Christian authors and each other. 2nd & 4th Thursdays @7:15PM via Zoom. Facilitators: JeNell Buchanan and Cheryl Wolf

Saturday Groups

Mens Bible Study

For guys of all ages, married or single, who are focused on developing Christian character to better serve God, our families, and the church. Meets via Zoom at 7:30AM. Facilitator: Duff Simpson

Are you interested in joining a group?