Global Outreach


Together For Transformation (T4T) is Washington Cathedral’s global outreach.  It’s extending the great caring network to the least of these. T4T currently supports projects in two of the most desperate places on earth. 

La Paz, Honduras

We are supporting a project in Honduras reaching out to the abandoned and neglected children of La Paz.  Honduras is one of the poorest countries in Latin America with nearly two-thirds of the nation's population living below the poverty line.  UNICEF estimates there are over 170,000 orphans in Honduras.  

NiCo is a comprehensive community-based program located in La Paz.  The families of these children are living in extreme poverty.  NiCo provides a quality education and support services for the children and their families..  More details are available about NiCo at Orphan Outreach NiCo. To sponsor a child at NiCo click here and choose "Country - Honduras" "Program-NICO".

Nairobe, Kenya

In Nairobi, Kenya we work in a school located in the Mathare Slum, one of the largest slums in the world housing more than 1.2 million people where mob violence, child trafficking, and the AIDS pandemic are everyday life. There is a school called Patmos for over a 100 orphans and vulnerable children. Patmos provides a safe haven and opportunity for orphans and vulnerable children to have access to a Christian education, healthcare and a daily meal.  We also support kids in the Madeleine School, in Bungoma, which is located 203 miles northeast of Nairobi. Currently, their sponsorship program is full. 

To learn more about Patmos School visit Orphan Outreach Patmos.  To sponsor a child at Patmos School click here and choose "Country-Kenya" "Program-Patmos School".

All of the projects we support are "education centers" which provide a safe environment amidst a very dangerous slum for these children to dream.  In addition to their educational needs, these centers also provide for their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Get Involved

You may make a donation to Orphan Outreach directly or via Washington Cathedral. We are currently sending support to the students in Ukraine that Orphan Outreach has been ministering to.